I - Voodoo Political Theory
IS the Buxton conspiracy over?
Troy Dick is the only member of ‘Ocean Eleven’ alive
today. Ocean Eleven was the combination of the five escapees joined
by six other diehard Buxton-based conspirators that included Vibert
Cambridge, who helped to burn down the house of Idris Chester
and Melroy Goodman, who burned Haroon Rasheed alive at Non-Pariel.
Ocean Eleven, of course, became larger with every passing day.
Most of the members of the Buxton conspiracy are young men between
the ages of 14 and 22. There are some even as young as twelve!
They normally help to create confusion by robbing minibuses but
they do not carry guns. Since the February jailbreak, a certain
former army officer has been recruiting these youngsters. A large
question mark hangs over the future of the Buxton conspiracy now
that a majority of the senior members of this unusually savage
criminal group have been killed.
series traces the origin of the Buxton conspiracy, examines how
it started, how it operated, who sustained it, why it lasted for
almost a year, why it operated with the impunity it did, why it
killed its victims with such bestial sadism, and why is it about
to collapse. I would like to say many thanks at the beginning
of this series to members of the security forces, some of the
people I know who still live in Buxton, and some of my colleagues
in the media community whose interaction with me enabled me to
put the pieces together. What is about to unfold in this analysis
is frightening. Never has something like this happened in the
world before. And if there is anything readers should know about
the Buxton conspiracy it is the frightening merger of criminality
and politics. Some people, particularly in the WPA (and if you
read Clive Thomas’ recent columns in Stabroek News,
a similar angle is there), take the view that the state in Guyana
condones some dubious type of activities by dubious characters.
While one can argue that hard,
concrete, tangible evidence needs to come out so commentators
can comment on this accusation, the glaring fact, the incontrovertible
fact, remains that a group of seasoned criminals with no scruples
or remorse in raping innocent women, robbed and killed people
savagely because of their ethnicity. Such bestiality was interpreted
by a not so small percentage of opposition people and members
of the Afro-Guyanese community as legitimate political action.
What this revealed is the extent of opposition emotional anger
against the state and how that anger has been sold to its constituencies.
This article is not about that dimension of the politics of this
divided land but about how that disunity gave rise to a social
pathology that almost destroyed Guyana but didn’t, thanks
in part to the American government.
I said above that the Buxton conspiracy
is a phenomenon that has no parallel in Caribbean history and
as the series unfolds the reader will come to see why. But let’s
briefly back up this point. In Grenada, you had the New Jewel
Movement; in Trinidad the National Union of Freedom Fighters (NUFF)
and the Muslimeen sect; in Guyana, the WPA and the PPP. In these
countries, violence was used against the state because the state
was seen as oppressive. But in every instance, the violence was
based on political theory that had liberation of the poor and
the oppressed as the goal, and the membership of all these groups
were highly politically conscious humans whose political praxis
was worthy of emulation. In the case of the WPA in Guyana, a multi-racial
platform was the axis on which the movement revolved. NUFF in
Trinidad was eliminated by the security forces. In Guyana, the
WPA was decimated by the Burnham regime with the movement devastated
by the assassination of its leader, Walter Rodney. In Grenada,
the New Jewel Movement came to power and in Trinidad, the Muslimeen
were tried for treason and freed. The Buxton conspiracy has nothing
in common with these movements. It is a desecration of political
theory and revolutionary philosophy to classify the Buxton conspiracy
as a political movement. But this is where the situation becomes
complicated. When Tacuma Ogunseye ragingly replied to me elsewhere
and asserted that the Buxton conspiracy was an armed resistance,
he wasn’t just propagandizing.
Buxton conspiracy did indeed commit acts of political violence
as when it stormed Nathoo’s beer garden and indiscriminately
shot to death four persons and no robbery was done. And when it
attacked the PPP congress in Port Mourant! But these isolated
acts of political violence need special and separate analysis
because the motive that drove the members of Ocean Eleven to attack
these symbols of state power was not purely political. Intelligence
that I have been given suggests that only one of these assaults
was planned, that is, the Port Mourant invasion. The Nathoo massacre
was an after-thought by members of Ocean Eleven who had committed
a murder in Campbellville. One member of the group said, “Let’s
pass by Nathoo and kill some of dem PPP people!”

car in which its driver lies dead, slumped over in the front seat,
while driving through Buxton from
Berbice. Right, Andy Atwell; cop who was one of the first to be
killed during the crime spree.
The difference with the WPA under
Burnham and the Buxton conspiracy is the difference between Mahatma
Ghandi and a Serbian war crime killer. Under Burnham, both the
WPA and the PPP were alleged to have committed acts of violence.
But in no instance was their motive driven by a group of teachers
who were political morons. In the case of the Buxton conspiracy,
the people who were teaching members of Ocean Eleven the arts
of politics were feeding them with voodoo political theory. These
persons know nothing about Guyanese history, the political sociology
of this country and how to define oppression. It is frightening
what the violent youths of Buxton were educated in.
were told the most untruthful things about the government, the
business class and the East Indian community. One night five youths,
including “Chip Teeth”, who was recently killed in
Buxton along with Romel Reman, left Buxton and went up to Mocha.
While in Mocha, they said, “Let’s go and burn down
some coolie gas station.” They then went to TWO BROTHERS
at Eccles and tried to torch it. Then they came to Georgetown
and tried to burn a Portuguese owned gas station at the corner
of Camp and New Market Streets and which has some close connection
to one of the leaders in the REFORM wing of the PNC/R. These youths
were being taught by men who were politically ignorant, extremist
and essentially racist. The voodoo theory they taught the Buxton
conspiracy was simply the language of self-destruction. Who were
these teachers? We discuss them and their role in the February
jail break in part two tomorrow.
Part II—A Time to Kill
IT is public knowledge that state security has put away Mr. Wild
Man not only because of what happened outside of the presidential
complex last year, but also because intelligence officials knew
that he made the Andrew Douglas tape in Buxton in which Douglas
appeared as a freedom fighter with machine gun in hand, promising
to liberate Afro-Guyanese. Afro-Guyanese, I dare say, whom he
never consulted on the method he would use in securing their freedom:
something that Eusi Kwayana didn’t find funny! I don’t
see myself particularly as East Indian, but if anyone claims that
they are liberating East Indians, can you kindly contact me at
my work place and let me know what methods you are going to employ
to get me my freedom. And if it involves the abuse of Afro-Guyanese,
then leave me unliberated; count me as your enemy. (Read
the Andrew
Douglas "Hero" handbill distributed during the funeral
of Douglas.)
It is when one considers the type of influence that Ocean Eleven
came under that such a movement had to disintegrate into semi-civilized
violence and animalistic hate against the race group that it was
told stood in the way of the freedom of Black people. Take Mr.
Wild Man. He wasn’t involved in the initial planning of
the Mashramani ’02 jailbreak. But when Ocean Eleven settled
down in Buxton to plan its Mansonian moonlighting (after Charles
Manson, the hate-driven cultist), he was initiated into the teaching
staff. It was in fact his idea along with Mr. Natty Dread who
came up with the formula of a Douglas tape. The Buxton conspiracy
was doomed from the start not only because its political agenda
was subordinate to its criminal plan, but also because it had
no one to instill a sense of political vision in it except Tacuma
Ogunseye. For all his disagreement with me, Ogunseye stands out
as the most positive, and the only positive, connection the Buxton
conspiracy had. But Ogunseye’s politics though anti-criminal
(yes I know you are surprised but I stand by this view) was too
irrationally race-based and in the end he, too, bestowed the wrong
symbol on Buxton. But back to Mr. Wild Man.
Hoyte had nothing but contempt for Mr. Wild Man because he saw
him for what he was - an extremist, wild, unstable person infatuated
with himself who showed no respect for established political leaders
in the PNC and who thinks he is a leader better than those he
came and met. There is the definite suspicion that Robert Corbin
wants to keep his distance from Mr. Wild Man, who would have no
hesitation in challenging Corbin publicly for leadership. The
reason why I belaboured this point about Mr. Wild Man is to drive
home the danger Guyana faced when criminals with guns and empty
heads and dangerously misguided activists filling those heads
with everything that was historically and politically wrong, went
on the rampage. Indeed, an explosion had to occur and it did in
Police vehicle attacked
and torched by gunmen.
The ubiquitous crime spree, which emanated from Buxton, had its
genesis in the Mash 2002 jailbreak. But why did revolution give
way to crime, and why at no time since February last year did
the Buxton group which officially called itself the People’s
Liberation Movement (PLM) issue a comprehensive statement about
its aims and objectives? One must bear in mind that the PLM was
the accommodating room for the escapees once they reached Buxton.
To answer this question, one must understand that from the beginning,
there was a fusion between crime and politics in Buxton with Tshaka
Blair being the focal point. Whether Blair was killed rightfully
or was murdered by the Black Clothes is not the germane point
here. Blair had knowledge of guns and drugs in Buxton, just as
he had a belief that there was discrimination against Blacks and
wanted to do something about it. In all the writings of Eusi Kwayana
on the Buxton madness, he subtly stressed on the criminal link
with those who called their activities political. For a moralist
like Kwayana to say that you are a freedom fighter and engaged
in narco-trading and robberies is unbearable heresy. We would
never know if Blair would have condoned rape and sadistic robberies
and anti-Indian savagery (his widow is Indian) which is what the
PLM degenerated into since February. But Blair’s protégés
turned out to be killers of both Indians and Africans and no politics
and no liberation habits could have been detected in their operations.
A lot of sympathy has been garnered for Tshaka Blair through the
talk-show hosts, certain television newscasts, the PNC and, to
a lesser extent, the WPA. But Tshaka Blair was one of the masterminds
behind the Mash Day jailbreak.
When Frank Soloman’s death announcement was placed on television
it listed two infamous television personalities as his close friends.
Blair, Soloman, one of these television personalities, three extremists/second
tier leaders of the PNC, and two former military officers, planned
the jailbreak with a former GDF officer being the main contact
with a certain prison warder, whom he knew when they were both
on active duty. After spending sometime in a suburban house rented
by Soloman, the escapees moved to Buxton, was housed by Blair,
turned into Ocean Eleven and lectured to by the PLM. Guyana’s
second attempt at the violent overthrow of the state after the
failed attempt by the WPA in the seventies had began. But if you
had told Kwayana this at the time, he would have given you a brief,
cynical look because Kwayana, as a Buxtonian, knew that men bent
on crime were being used by certain political activists to create
national confusion. Herein lay the truth about the escapees!
Andrew Douglas indeed had political grievances. Tshaka Blair indeed
had some political feelings but the escapees plus the rest that
made up Ocean Eleven were never into revolution or liberation
struggle. What happened is that the PLM let them loose on Guyana
so that their crime spree could undermine social stability, weaken
the government, create circumstances of non-rule and allow for
the creation of an interim regime. I have hard evidence that this
was the plan. And figures in ACDA, the PNC and the WPA were solicited
for advice and gave it. When Tshaka Blair got killed, the PLM
met and formulated a policy of murder of policemen, with a leading
WPA figure being present! That lone WPA person, however, was against
the killing of Indians. After Andrew Douglas’s death, all
hell broke loose. The formula was now the assassination of policemen,
the killing of Indians, violent robberies that were later joined
by kidnapping.
The dimension of kidnapping was the advice of the PLM. A killing
spree began. Idris Chester’s house was burned down, Kwayana
had to run, with David Hinds close behind him. The killing fields
had arrived.
gun retrieved from Shaka Blair. Right, medical supplies seized
from home where Brama was held.
Part III—Tired Men in Black
IN our opening segment, we did say that some insight will be provided
into the modus operandi of Ocean Eleven, how the regime perpetuated
itself, why it descended to savage anti-Indian levels and why
it chalked up a long life that lasted for almost a year and a
half. But this is the contradiction about the Buxton conspiracy.
It wasn’t a political vanguard; it had no political style
or ambition, yet it was kept alive through a conducive, political
climate. When we come to discuss its longevity, readers will see
that if the Americans did not intervene, Ocean Eleven would have
replenished its staff and stock and continued to kill with open
and encouraged impunity because the political climate in Guyana
made for its continuation, especially the role of the GDF.
In part two we looked at its early beginnings with the jailbreak.
But this still doesn’t explain why it started; we discussed
how it got going. But what was the purpose of the life of Ocean
Eleven? Here is where the analyst will now have to speculate because
it was almost impossible to unearth evidence of a plan either
by ACDA and/or the PNC to bring Ocean Eleven into existence. The
modicum of intelligence available so far points to a group of
Afro-Guyanese extremists with links to both ACDA and the PNC but
not within the upper hierarchy of either organization who felt
that the time had come for an armed Black uprising against the
PPP government. One of these men had an emotionally uncontrollable
grudge against the government, another had extensive contacts
with disgruntled former GDF personnel, and some had little patience
with Desmond Hoyte. There is no evidence available at the moment
that the top leaders of ACDA or the PNC knew about the jailbreak
plan, but once it happened and the Douglas tape was made, both
ACDA and the PNC and the trio that makes up the WPA leadership
- Desmond Trotman, Clive Thomas, and Tacuma Ogunseye (who was
essentially an advisor to the PLM) - saw political usefulness
in the Buxton factor.
But here is where matters become complicated. In the opening section
of this series, we did say the Buxton conspiracy has no similarity
in global political history. When and where in the past did major
political organizations with parliamentary power in a democratic
society support a criminal movement with serial rapists and saw
political changes coming out of the activities of this anti-social,
venal, semi-civilized grouping? Is there anyone out there who
believes that Shawn Gitttens was executed by the PLM because of
his sexual mauling of a relative of the PLM? Gittens, along with
Melroy Goodman and Inspector Gadget, was a serial rapist. Gittens
raped two women, one named Gittens (no relation) during a robbery
at Non-Pariel. My own feeling is that the PNC’s tactical
condoning of Ocean Eleven will haunt them at election time in
2006 even if Raphael Trotman is made the presidential candidate.
As for the WPA, it is virtually dead. In an ironic twist, the
year-long activities of Ocean Eleven have catapulted Ryhaan Shah
onto the political scene that may have implications in 2006.
The operations of Ocean Eleven, like its endurance, were made
possible by the ambience of hardened political instability in
Guyana. For Ocean Eleven to operate with full freedom, the Guyana
Police Force had to be demobilized. The GPF’s inability
to contain Ocean Eleven was made worse by the “dubious role”
of the Black Clothes in the Thomas Carroll scandal. What in fact
took place during the rampage of Ocean Eleven was the incapacitation
of the GPF on three fronts. First, the government did not give
the GPF the green light to go in and confront Ocean Eleven. The
reason for this was that the government feared that it would have
caused a disastrous backlash. And indeed that would have happened.
Sources told this writer that had the Black Clothes and riot squad
gone into Buxton and tear into Ocean Eleven, once there were civilian
causalities, a racial confrontation would have gripped Guyana
because Victoria, Golden Grove, Ann’s Grove and Bachelor’s
Adventure were coming out. And Enmore would have reacted to the
pincer movement of Golden Grove.
The police drive in Buxton would have resulted in civilian deaths,
maybe an alarming number, for three reasons. (A) - a lot of Buxtonians
saw Ocean Eleven as political people not criminals and this was
because the extremists activists like Mr. Wild Man, Mr. Natty
Dread, Tacuma Ogunseye, Soloman’s talk-show friend, and
two former GDF officers would go into Buxton and preach to Buxtonians
about the virtue of what Ocean Eleven were doing. (B),
Ocean Eleven cultivated the loyalty of a number of child soldiers,
like the ones who killed Ginga and Haroon Rasheed, and were prepared
to use them as human shields once the battle had begun. These
child soldiers, armed with communication devices, acted as lookouts
and one of them killed the GDF lance corporal that triggered an
emotional rage in the army. (C), some Buxtonian civilians were
prepared to protect Ocean Eleven with their lives. We saw this
clearly when a contingent of the GDF cornered some men who had
committed a daring robbery in Annandale, and as the soldiers moved
in to effect an arrest a group of women enveloped the criminals
and dared the soldiers to shoot.
Secondly, the GPF was demoralized by the incessant and cruel demonization
of its members by the PNC; WPA; ACDA; the talk show hosts; Mike
Mc Cormack and his personal outfit, the Guyana Human Rights Association;
and the television newscasts with the exception of GTV 11 and
MTV 65. Even when CNS started up its news program, it sought to
put the police in a bad light. What this relentless pulverization
of the GPF did was to embolden Ocean Eleven. As a spin off from
this, it generated intense resentment by the village against the
police. One nuance of police-Buxton relation that has never been
discussed since Buxton exploded was that the villagers cultivated
a dislike for the police long, long ago - during Burnham’s
rule. At that time, Buxton was seen as a WPA enclave. Burnham
used the police to terrorize the youths there. The Georgetown
extremists who conducted political classes for the PLM drove the
nail further in the coffin. The GPF was then effectively shut
out of Buxton. The clamour about extra-judicial killings was simply
a pretext by the political supporters of the PLM and Ocean Eleven
to fuel the flames of anti-police fire. Guyana has one of the
lowest rates of extra-judicial killings even in CARICOM when compared
to Jamaica and Trinidad.
Thirdly, the death toll among members of the GPF was too much
to keep the spirits of the GPF alive. When one of the two phantom
squads cornered Dale Moore, Mark Fraser and Frank Soloman, it
was as if the GPF had gotten a gift from heaven. The GPF stood
by helplessly and watched Ocean Eleven kill its members and the
citizens of Guyana like when you swat flies. The men in Black
had collapsed and terror had taken over the land until Stephen
Lesniak turned up at the Lusignan golf course.
Left, soldiers on patrol through Buxton.
IV—A Taste of Serbia
IN the annals of crime in Guyana,
the activities of Ocean Eleven will have a conspicuous page because
of the sadistic nature of their criminal undertakings. Generally,
political violence tends to be more ghoulish, barbaric, heinous,
sadistic than general criminological violence. Take cult murder.
In a majority of cases, cult killings are bestial and gory in
their manifestations. The mayhem is usually accompanied by mutilation
of body parts, laceration of the throat, disembowelment and smearing
of blood at the scene of the crime.
Cult murders have an ideological
underpinning and for this reason, hate, passion and energy are
involved when violence is being applied. The perpetrator is sending
a message when he/she kills and is living out his/her ideological
beliefs. Normal criminal killings lack this theoretical tone,
thus the factor of psychotic impulse is not there. A robber invades
a dwelling house and rape, plunder and kill and escapes. Victims
usually die because they are either stubborn, aggressive or can
identify the attacker.
When violence is ethnically motivated,
it descends to the level of the beast and the atrocity of the
murders has uncivilized instincts. A careful examination of all
ethnic warfare in history reveals a pattern of horrible, bloodthirsty
sadism. People are killed in the most horrific ways that no normal
human being can look at without wanting to have some subsequent
counseling. The cases are too numerous to mention but recent examples
are Rawanda, Sierre Leone, and Bosnia.
We return to the perennial contradiction
when analyzing the perverted escapades of Ocean Eleven and its
extend network of Buxtonian criminals. If the Buxtonian killers
were social misfits who rape, rob and kill, then why the need
to discuss their activities within the sociological theory of
political violence? I hope my elucidation here puts a final end
to this paradox. And that is that Ocean Eleven was (I hope not
“is”) both a criminal and political outfit. Surely
this needs explanation. Two compellingly politicized organizations
controlled Ocean Eleven. One was the Georgetown based Black extremist,
lunatic fringe. Most readers know who they are but we cannot list
their names here for obvious reasons. One day outside of Royal
Castle restaurant inside of a car, Philip Bynoe, in a friendly
tone, yelled out to me: “Freddie, I’m not hearing
from you.” I replied that I was not hearing from him. Bynoe
advised me to wait and I would see what’s coming. I saw
it, indeed. And wrote about it, and still writing about it.
other group was the Tshaka Blair-led PLM. The extremist group
and the PLM saw in Ocean Eleven political usefulness. Ocean Eleven
had no time for the political plans and vision of the two organizations.
Here is where an interesting interaction occurred. The extremist
cabal and the PLM saw the damage Ocean Eleven could do to help
weaken the state. On the other hand, Ocean Eleven needed the political
platform that these two political groups provided. It is in this
sense that Ocean Eleven’s activities had a political meaning
to it. Another political dimension to Ocean Eleven was the ideological
training it received from the PLM and the extremist group. I need
to mention something here before I forget and the series ends:
One of the most peculiar occurrences in political life in the
history of this country relates to Tacuma Ogunseye and a certain
talk-show host. This talk-show host was the principal witness
at the trial of Tacuma Ogunseye in Burnham times. He was jailed
for three years and his mother was dragged and humiliated before
the courts. I will never forgive this talk-show host for this
degradation of Ogunseye’s mother (now deceased). Both Ogunseye
and this talk-show host turned up in Buxton as lecturers to the
PLM and Ocean Eleven. Life is indeed strange and unpredictable.
used by the black-militants are the Bible, one on the philosohpy
of Marcus Garvey, and those on the
right, espousing anti-christ teachings.
cruelty of Ocean Eleven eventually alienated the villagers who
sheltered them and we will come to this part when we look at the
eventual collapse of the movement. For now, an explanation is
needed as to the reason for the ferocious and untamed violence
they heaped on their Indian victims. The primitive descent of
Ocean Eleven, when killing, had two sources - one chemical, the
other ideological. Members of the Buxton madness would smoke up
their marijuana and cocaine before they went out to rob and kill.
Eyewitnesses told me that the “Chip Teeth”-led gang
that tried to burn down two gas stations were “totally stoned”
and their eyes were redder than red. At the Shell gas station
at Camp and New Market Streets, one child soldier kept scratching
and throwing the matches on the pump but the matches would not
light. A trembling hand and imbalanced mind due to narcotic inhalation
saved North Georgetown.
members would come at nights and smoke up on the railway embankment
in front of the villagers. The police were banned from the village
and Buxton was an East Coast enclave owned by savage criminals.
My students told me, Buxtonians would pass the escapees “liming”
openly, smoking and “digging” their music. The night
of the morning before he died, Dale Moore and a certain lawyer
with aspiration to lead a major political party and who pays not
even a cent in taxes was conspicuously sporting on the embankment;
it was Dale Moore’s birthday. He was drunk when he left
Sunday morning for Lamaha Gardens to resume negotiations with
Bramma. He died less than fifteen minutes afterwards. At this
point I want to offer an apology to Raphael Trotman. In a series
on the escapees for Kaieteur News, I alluded to “this
lawyer” and it could have pointed in the direction of Mr.
Trotman, for whom I have deep respect and who will one day lead
the PNC. He is a positive emergence in Guyanese politics.
drugged child soldiers were wild when they killed Indians. A kidnapped
victim was repeatedly sodomized, and carvings were made in his
flesh with two hunting knives before he died. GINGA (see
image of Ginga) was tortured and the post-mortem showed
he was stomped upon with volcanic force. GINGA was an old man.
The handicapped Haroon Rasheed screamed as he ran out the house
on flames. They followed him out of the house and poured more
kerosene on him. Ocean Eleven had a particular habit when they
killed Indian businessmen. They liked to use AK 47 on their victims’
ideological dimension of the violence needs no explanation. Ocean
Eleven lived out the history lessons that they were taught by
the extremist cabal. The Buxtonian invaders disliked Indians to
the bone. The hatred had a Nazi-like instinct. The anti-Indian
teachings were Hitlerite in their madness. On High Street, a disenchanted
member of the PLM said: “Freddie, ah never see so much ignorant
people yet.” The
anti-Indian indoctrination had four aspects: (1) Indian
people have taken Guyana from Blacks who built it, (2) Indian
people are keeping a racist government in power, (3) Indian people
have all the wealth, Blacks have none, (4) the crazy Kean
Gibson theory of a secret plan to exterminate Blacks in Guyana.
From February 2002, Ocean Eleven killed Indians mercilessly. The
score sheet is too frightening to look at.
V—The Longevity of Terror
There is undisputed consensus that the violent robberies and brutal
murders that gripped Guyana since the infamous February 2002 jailbreak
was directly related to the five escapees and their acolytes in
Buxton. The lull only started two weeks ago when the security
forces retook control of Buxton. We are talking about 15 months
of virtually non-stop terror. What reasons explain this length
of time and not say a six-month spree?
The causes for the long life of Buxtonian terror fall into two
categories - the mundane and the logistical. Let’s start
with the first one first. By mundane, we mean the ordinary elementary
causes. These would include lack of police resources. At the time
of the jailbreak, the police lacked both adequate armoury and
physical resources like heavy weaponry, armoured vehicles and
sophisticated, electronic monitoring devices. It is a plausible
response to say that had these facilities been at the disposal
of the GPF, maybe the carnage would have stopped before it lived
on for fifteen months.
example, the state-of-the-art computer that the men at Good Hope
had is basic to crime fighting in the modern world. What this
equipment does is that it inhales the transmitting signals coming
from cellular phones. It then enables the police to locate where
the signals are. In the case of Buxton, in the late evenings,
there would be meetings deep in the Gulf where residential houses
are sparse. Who then would be sending out signals so later in
such a deserted area in Buxton? It seems that the security forces
have overcome some technical limitations in their crime fighting
in Buxton. But media responsibility prevents further discussion
on this subject. Under the classification of mundane factors we
can also include the demoralization of the society and this included
state, security forces and civil society. I have already dealt
with the broken spirit of the GPF, especially the Black Clothes,
during the killing spree. But the business class was a scared
community just a month ago. Ocean Eleven took full advantage of
the depressed life of the Guyanese society to further continue
their journey of destruction.

Left, bullets, molotov coctails, and gun magazines found at safehouse
operated by the Mash Day escapees, where
was held. Right, Cell phones and other electronic equipment.
logistical cause holds a wider, though not exactly superior, exposition
as to why Ocean Eleven lasted so long. We can subsume political
factors under this heading and we start with this interpretation
of the political nuance in comprehending the Buxton madness. When
Douglas appeared on television, it would be foolish and dishonest
on the part of any social researcher to deny that there wasn’t
sympathy among members of the Afro-Guyanese community for what
this jail escapee said he was fighting for.
Andrew Pollard, a lawyer with the law firm of Hughes, Fields and
Stoby, defended the airing of the tape in a reply to Kit Nascimento.
He based his position of the right to free speech. Andrew Pollard
must be admired for his open stand which is what I respect in
people. And though I didn’t agree with his legal dispute
with Nascimento, I respect Pollard for what he did. There are
those who would have said the same thing but hide behind a fictitious
name. I hope Pollard doesn’t take this personally. It should
not be. But Pollard’s position was symbolic of the way many
Afro-Guyanese saw Andrew Douglas. I would like to make it clear
here and say unambiguously that nothing I have written about the
WPA, PNC and ACDA points towards support for Ocean Eleven. I have
repeatedly used the concept of the Buxton conspiracy which included
the Black extremist fringe and the Buxtonians Ogunseye constantly
refers to as “the resistance.” My sources tell me
that “the resistance” calls itself the PLM. You don’t
need twelve doctorates from Harvard to know that there was a not
so hidden sympathy for “the resistance” by organizations
I referred to. Intelligence sources also told me that at private
meetings of these organizations, there was open support for what
I call the Buxton factor. When Hoyte went to address Buxton, he
said there were no criminals there and their struggle was just.
He was referring to the Buxton conspiracy that included the extremist
cabal and the PLM.
was this political support that made the police work harder in
fighting the Buxtonian criminal enterprise. The talk-show hosts
were unapologetic in support of Ocean Eleven. The African villages
up the East Coast took their cue from these TV personalities and
politicians. This gave a tremendous boost to the psychology of
Ocean Eleven. Ocean Eleven was emboldened by the political support
they got in the wider Guyanese society. Within this context one
must also highlight the unashamed pillar that a large percentage
of Buxtonians gave to Ocean Eleven. No other incident demonstrates
this more graphically
than when a group of child soldiers robbed an Annandale household
and as the GDF platoon moved in to effect an arrest, a group of
Buxton women surrounded the criminals and dared the soldiers to
is important to understand how this kind of localized popular
support further galvanizes the criminals to act with greater boldness.
People told me that when Dale Moore and Mark Fraser were killed,
some people in the ministries had a maudlin look on their faces
and the talk-show hosts for that day were personification of lugubrious
creatures. No society can stop criminal rampage if murderous robbers
have that level of societal encouragement. As the series go on
we will contrast the present situation with that six months ago
to show how successful crime fighting can become when the security
forces have the community on its side.
Brama, kidnapped by militants.
Two other logistical weakness made Ocean Eleven fertilize continuously.
One is lack of intelligence gathering which will be dealt with
another time. The other was the terrain Ocean Eleven operated
in. It is easy to hide in an environment where the houses are
within touching distance of each other and the village is compact
and dense. If anyone wants to understand how difficult it was
to confront Ocean Eleven in Buxton, they should see the movie,
BLACK HAWK DOWN, which is based on the true story of a contingent
of American marines who went into a specific area in Mogadishu
(capital of Somalia) to capture a warlord named Adeed. The mission
failed and was aborted. The marines couldn’t flush out Adeed
for the same reason the GPF couldn’t go into Buxton and
confront Ocean Eleven.
Ocean Eleven’s modus operandi followed military guidelines.
Because of how the village is situated, entry is recorded by secretly
hidden lookouts who used transmitting sets. Of course this comes
back to the lack of modern equipment by the GPF. When GPF members
cross the railway embankment to get to the Gulf, members of Ocean
Eleven would be watching them from normal houses that the police
never dreamt had hidden escapees. This logistical advantage cost
the lives of a number of outside fighters who went in to take
on Ocean Eleven. They were sitting ducks.
[Editor’s Note: These
are some parts of a series of articles Dr. Frederick Kissoon did
on the Black militant-criminal “conspiracy” that was
centered in Buxton during Buxton 2002. The original title of this
series was “Theorizing with Freddie Kissoon: The Failure
of the Buxton Conspiracy.” Images supplied by this site.
It was published in the Chronicle and Kaieteur News
papers in June 2002.]