of Sash Sawh Funeral Supplied by Bryan Maxx
Roger Khan Cleared
of the Sawh Assassination
"After interviewing several persons connected
to the Forestry Commission, including Commissioner James Singh,
investigators found no evidence of [Roger] Khan's involvement
in the killings of the Minister, his siblings and the security
guard." —KN new report, 7/15/2006

Rondell Rawlins aka "Fine Man" and right, the
sole surviving Mash Day escapee, Troy Dick,
wanted in relation to the assasination of Minister Sash Sawh and
his siblings. Also wanted are Orlando Andrews called “Biscuit”
or “Jeffrey,” of Buxton, David Zammett, called David
Leander or “Bullet,” of Buxton, Jermaine Charles called
“Skinny” of Agricola, and Richard Daniels called “Chucky”
of Agricola. The police are also seeking other persons who are
known only by their nicknames: “Cash” of Buxton, “Not
Nice” of Buxton, “Sonny” of Agricola, and “John
Kirby” of Agricola.
—July 14, 2006, Guyana Police Force
“It is beyond unfortunate that after so
many months Minister Sawh's killing is a dead issue. Hardly any
mention is made that a Minister of the Government was gunned down...
“The AFC expects that after the President's
strong statements the minister's killers would be brought to justice
and that by now there should be some publication of name or names
of those responsible.”
Trotman, AFC Presidential Candidate (KN June 22, 2006)
“GAP/ROAR is concerned that there has been no angle, no
arrest and no wanted bulletin for suspects. In the context of
the killing, a high profile slaying of this kind should have been
solved. It clearly shows that the intelligence arm of the police
force is inadequate to deal with the demands of the changing face
of crime in Guyana.”
Dev (KN June 22, 2006)
"He [Omprakash Sawh] described the man as
dark in complexion, thinly built and about five feet, five inches
in height. The gunman was wearing black military boots and
camouflage uniform, similar to that used by the
Guyana Defence Force." —KN, 7/15/2006
armed African descendants [are] not going to end their resistance.
When we are assured that we can build businesses
and employ our children in this country like any other person,
then and only then, they would have peace!"
—Ronald Waddell
Questions that We ought
to Consider (posted in April)
1. Was the execution done to divert attention from
the missing AK-47s and the controversial supposed Felix-Williams
"tape"/conversation? Apart from being a response to
Waddell's execution?
2. Did a police informant provide the gunmen with infomation about
the security guards not being armed?
5. Why would the Commissioner suggest that the survivors of this
attack be protected if it was a robbery?
6. Why did the President and PPP say "assassination"
but the Commissioner whisper "robbery"?
7. Is this the beginning of the end of the PPP? It very well is
a good mark of an inevitable end.

late PPP Minister of Agriculture, Satyadeow Sawh, MP visiting
the funeral of 9-year-old
Christine Sukhra in 2004, who
was killed by Buxton-based gunmen involved in an armed revolt
against the government. Photo by Rakesh
Rampertab for this website,
indication is that the primary motive was to kill the Minister
and members of his family."
—PPP Press Statement, April 22
a nation, we will face down this threat; we will destroy those
who seek to wound us, and the peaceful and
democratic will of the Guyanese people will prevail."
empty words from an empty President Jagdeo
PAYBACK. Yes, it is. Partially. Compounded.
The Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Satyadeow ("Sash")
Sawh, MP, and member of PPP Cenrtal Committee, was assassinated
sometime around midnight on April 21st, at his Earl Court home
in LBI, East Coast Demerara. He was the first PPP minister ever
to be killed in the history of the country, and the first PPP
minister to be targeted successfully for any crime since an armed
revolt by extremists and gunmen, in lieu with political links
and operating out of Buxton though not from Buxton, became evident
since April 2001.
Minister Sawh returned to Guyana at the courtesy
of the late Dr. Cheddi Jagan, from Toronto, Canada, where Sawh
was at the time head of the Canadian branch of the pro-PPP organization,
Association of Concerned Guyanese. He had achieved by then a BA
degree in Economics/Business from York University, Toronto, Canada
in addition to other academic qualifications, and would serve
as Ambassador to Venezuela before becoming Minsiter of Agriculture
(also Livestock and Fisheries) in 1996. Arguably, he was one of
the few officers of the government whose ministerial tenure under
the PPP Government has been successful.
Also killed are his older brother (Rajpat Rai),
his sister (Phulmattie Persaud aka Julie), and one security guard
(Curtis Robertson). Two brothers, Rajpat and Omprakash Sawh, were
made to lie on the floor before being shot at; Rajpat was killed,
and fortunately, Ompraksh was only nicked. He survived after pretending
to be dead. Two other security guards, Albert Mangra, and Augu
Khan also received injurie but survived. At the time of the shooting,
the minister's wife, Sattie, hid in the bathroom, after she saw
one of the gunmen.
A family of funerals: left, Om Prakash
(wounded) and deaths; Pulmatie Persaud, dead; Rajpat Rai, dead;
Sash Sawh, dead, after the one-year death anniversary-work of
their mother, customary among Hindus.
Those dead were killed when allegedly 7 armed
gunmen dressed in military fatigue and wearing masks, made their
way shooting at neighbors before descending on the minister's
residence, where relatives had gathered at the time. Supposedly,
three of the men entered inside the residence, flaying the minister
who was in a hammock at the time, and his siblings. The gunmen
who apprently came from the backlands, then returned via the same
route which has been used as a primary conduit for these high-profile
attacks such as the March Agricola massacre which left 8 people
This killing should not be a surprise, and quite
possibly, would be seen as a compounded respose to a number of
things perceived to be linked to the PPP, including the gunning
down of TV talk-show host, Ronald Waddell. As Waddell had himself
said, and I sum up; they would be no "peace" for them
(Indians) if there is none for us (Blacks).
The Laxity of the PPP Leadership
in Crime Fighting is Led by the President Himself
The President of Guyana
is, with respect, as daft as one may be regarding crime fighting
and insurgency. It is idiotic that a minister would have
unarmed security guards in
this environment, and the President needs to answer why under
his leadership, his minister was left so vulnerable? According
to the police, the security firm had a "compromise"
of the security of firearms used; guards without training were
being used supposedly. Question is, now that we have a compromise
of the security of lives, it highlights a few questions; 1, why
isn't the government allowed to have its own full-fledged security
for all ministers, while the President is busy giving away money
left, right, and center?
Unfortunatly, this is the
story of the so-called Jagan's party. It quite well reflects the
overall nature of the entire caboose of PPP leadership, trapped
in a zone in which they seem to take the barbarians at the gate
with ease. The Buxton "resistance" is not a mere 15-20
men, as the President lamented; it is at least 30 men and young
boys capable of shooting, not to mention more than 2 dozen people
who are organizing behind the scenes; people who vary from editor
of a magazine, to senior police and army officials. There are
people overseas. This is a well-connected network dominated by
military people. So what is the President doing exactly?
But more importantly, the
Jagdeo regime has been aware of all the key players involved in
a revolt. President Jagdeo refused to confront them. The President
as far back as 2002, was told when a very senior police figure
attended a meeting inside Buxton. He did not do anything. He
nor his party cannot cry foul. He has no excuse and all of the
so-called popularity does not amount to a grain of sand if his
ministers are open for slaughter. If the army, which in
24 hours was able to raid at least 5 business places (spreading
across 2 counties) of Indian businessman who allegedly supported
the phantom, why was it not able to quash the gunmen in Buxton
in more than 3 years?
The answer is simple: the leadership of the army
under Chief of Staff Edward Collins has been compromised. The
army complains of not having enough "intelligence" but
this is just a farce to mislead the public. The army, in December
2002, found its way up to Good Hope on the East Coast and arrested
Roger Khan and others, and seized the famous laptop. How did the
army reach all the way to Good Hope when they were told to patrol
in and around Buxton, where all the problems were? Simple: it's
because they had "intelligence" on Roger Khan. Point
is; they army can chase after Indians but not the Black extremists
seeking to bring down the regime at hand.

"Robbery"?: Another
Police Commissioner Bungle in the Jungle? Another Diversion Tactic?
Police Commissioner Winston Felix (above
at press conference) has had the audicity to suggest that
robbery was a "motive"
for the killings, simply because $23,000 was taken by a gunman
from Ompraksh Sawh. Isn't it obvious that this was just to throw
the public off, to change the motive fo assassination to robbery?
Four people from one family shot at leaving thress dead, including
one dragged from under a bed, and the "top cop" thinks
"robbery" was an option here. has robbery so far, taken
precedence over the blunt killings; is this what Felix wants?
Is this what the gunmen wanted? Is the Commissioner tying up loose
ends here as he allegedly noted in the controversial Felix-Williams
conversation? Was this assassination ordered to divert attention
from the misisng AK-47s and Felix-Williams conversation?
How does a gunman rob a
woman by shooting her in the side of her face with an assault
weapon (as in the case of Julie Sawh), is what one should ask
this Police Commissioner. And if robbery was the most likely
motive (as opposed to premeditated murder and assassination),
why then would the Commissioner see the possible need for survivors
of the attack to be protected? If the robbery is over, then case
close. Well, one should be reminded that it was the President
who said he has full confidence in the Commissioner.

one of four guards, Curtis Robertson, that was killed. Right,
the minister's house.
duck and hide and he fire the shot and it break the flowerpot
and pass through and lodge in the vehicle wheel."
guard Roopnarine Thakurdin, eating when he was noticed by a gunman.
Thakurdin survived.
Immature Pamper Support
for the PPP in New York and Toronto
Further, people should ask about those who enjoy and smuggle
out the gold, diamonds, etc., from Guyana under the current regime
while the majority of the people live in a quagmire. Then there
are those outside of Guyana who offer lavish cuddling support
to the PPP, such as certain prominent businessmen (lawyers and
real estate businesses especially) in Richmond Hill, Queens, New
York, and Toronto, Canada, who have little clue as to the politics
of the times, little interst outside selfish motives, but who
pamper this government in
dangerously childish manners. These people who appear like little
gods at functions that host the government, should not be spared
from being heavily criticised. They encourage this government
to focus on the wrong issues.
Perhaps it is too late; for there is this strong
feeling that this is nothing, and that much worse is yet to come.
Perhaps it would also be fitting to advise that people stand guard
from here on. After all, this is just a warming-up message to
the government. And the people of Guyana of what will come—half
of which is disguised as a political struggle but whichj really
is about money. Money. More money.

Aga Khan, Sawh guard who was shot
in stomach but survived.