Fugitive businessman Shaheed 'Roger' Khan yesterday
gave details about a meeting he had with US officials about the
crime situation in the country, and said the embassy's denial
of it was part of a plot with the opposition and the security
forces to neutralise him and other crime-fighters in order to
destabilise the government.
Khan, in a statement issued by his lawyer Glenn
Hanoman yesterday, also said he was not and had never been affiliated
to either the PPP/C or the PNCR and that he blamed both parties
for the current state of affairs in the country. Hanoman had told
Stabroek News on Friday that he had not heard from the businessman
for three days and had received calls enquiring whether Khan had
turned himself over to US authorities.
Shaheed "Roger" Khan. Khan also maintained that
he was involved in security efforts, including the Guyana Defence
Force investigation into missing AK-47 rifles and that he briefed
senior army officials, whom he named, daily. "I
wish to make it abundantly clear that my past, present and future
energies to combat crime in Guyana has as its motive the prevention
of the loss of innocent lives and the arrest and capture of factions
and groups [like] the armed resistance," he said,
while denying affiliation to either of the main political parties,
and blaming both for the current state of affairs in the country.
Khan is wanted in the US on drug trafficking
charges and locally for questioning, but he has managed to elude
authorities while maintaining his innocence of the charges against
In his latest public statement, Khan
that his meeting with the American officials took place on March
6 at the Ocean View International Hotel and was facilitated by
leading members of the private sector. He said Deputy US Ambassador,
Michael Thomas, and three others were present at the meeting.
US embassy spokesperson, Christine Meyer had
said a week ago, after a Grand Jury indictment for trafficking
cocaine into the US prompted the businessman to speak out, that
as far as she knew there had been no meeting between Khan and
US officials.
He said he spoke personally
with US Regional Security Officer Brandon Lee at least five times
before the meeting, to work out the specifics such as place and
time. He added that telephone records would show "a flurry
of calls" between private sector personalities, who were
unnam-ed, and the US embassy, in addition to calls from the mission
to the hotel. He also said that close friends, who accompanied
him to the meeting, were willing to come forward to substantiate
his claim. He said hotel staff on duty the same day could also
verify his claim.
"It is important to
note that this meeting took place days after the US State Department
issued its International Narcotics Control Strategy Report 2006,
naming me as a known drug trafficker and, more importantly, while
a Grand Jury in New York was in the midst of deliberating on evidence
alleging my involvement in attempt/conspiracy," he
pointed. In this regard, he claimed that his being named as a
"drug trafficker" in the State Department report was
to "mischievously influence" the Grand Jury to return
an indictment.
Khan said he went to the meeting in good faith
and with a clear conscience and discussed the crime situation
in detail with the officials, including what he said were the
political motives behind the failure of the police force to deal
with the armed criminals in Buxton. He also
revealed the nature of his relationship with the police commissioner,
who he accused of negligent policies that failed to check the
armed group in the village.
Khan also explained his
"involvement with the Guyana Defence Force's attempts to
recover the missing AK-47's," and claimed that he supplied
the GDF with information about who were responsible for the larceny
of the weapons. He said there was a deliberate attempt by the
army to divert the investigation.

of Staff of the GDF, Brig. Edward Collins. Right,
Police Commissioner Winston Felix and
Crime Chief, Henry Greene, in court to answer charges brought
up by Roger Khan that
"wanted" bulletin issued for him for "questioning"
are illegal.
In February, the army revealed that 33 AK-47
assault rifles and other weapons were missing from the Camp Ayanganna
storage bond. Khan said he was in daily
contact with three senior army officers (all of whom he named)
on the status of the investigation and that this was done with
the knowledge of Chief-of-Staff Brigadier General Edward Collins.
"To my disbelief, just 13 days after the
meeting took place, on March 19, I became the subject of one of
the largest joint operations ever undertaken in the history of
the joint services," he said.
Khan said it was no coincidence that the
ongoing joint services campaign has so far failed to recover any
of the stolen weapons and he felt it due to the "unwillingness
or disinclination on the part of the security forces." Accordingto
him, this was revealed in the taped conversation purportedly between
the Police Commissioner and PNCR MP Basil Williams.
KN editorial about the Felix-Williams (PNC Vice Chairman) "tape."
Right, Stabroek News cartoon mocking the work of Commisisoner
Felix, regarding the search for the 33 AK-47s stolen from the
He said instead, the security forces have focused
their operations on persons allegedly involved in drug trafficking
who are unlikely to evoke public sympathy or government support.
"The purpose of that focus is to drive
underground, the only persons who have the will and the capability
to stand up to the group of armed bandits and have demonstrated
the inclination to do so - thereby removing the only impediment
to the criminal and political operations of the so-called armed
African resistance fighters," he declared.
In this context, he was of the view that it was
clear that even if the governing PPP/C won the next election it
would be vulnerable to instability through politically directed
terrorist and savage conduct by an armed criminal group operating
"In this state of affairs, the PPP/C government
can easily be destabilised directly by the politically directed
criminal elements that are part and parcel of civil society. There
will be no effective law enforcement and social mayhem will reign
- as was done in Haiti in the case of President Aristide,"
he said. He said sporadic terrorists acts, such as brutal slayings
would force PPP/C supporters to migrate or refrain from voting.
Alternatively, he said in the event that the PPP/C was successful,
it would be destabilised by criminal groups and the failure of
the security forces. He said the suppression
of persons such as him, who are "fiercely antagonistic"
to the bandit elements, was key to this latter plan.
Left and right, GDF truck
(from the US) used in part of raid on another Indian businessman,
Farouk Razac, owner of Swiss House, on Water Street, Stabroek
market vacinity.
Khan in recent public statements has claimed
that during the crime spree in 2002/2003, he worked closely with
the crime-fighting section of the police force and provided it
with assistance and information at his own expense. He said his
participation was instrumental in curbing crime during that period.
Additionally, he said he also assisted with intelligence after
US diplomat Steve Lesniak was kidnapped. Lesniak was kidnapped
and taken to Buxton but was later freed after a ransom was paid.
Lesniak, US Diplomat attached to the US Embassy in Georgetown,
Guyana, who was kidnapped by Buxton Gunmen including Shawn Brown.
Khan allegedly has helped the US in this matter. Right, GDF helicopter
over Lusignan, ECD, where Lesniak was kidnapped.
Khan has been speaking publicly since the US
District Court, Eastern District of New York unsealed an indictment
on May 3, which charges that he conspired to import cocaine into
the US between January 2001 and March 2006. Under US law, Khan
faces a maximum of life in prison for the offence based on the
amount of cocaine imported.
The US Embassy in Georgetown has invited Khan
to apply for a US visa through the normal procedures in order
for him to travel to the United States so that he can be processed
through the country's judicial system. So far, there has been
no official extradition request.
[Editor's Note: This article was first published in Stabroek
News on May 21, 2006, as "Roger Khan ups the ante
- opens up on US meet, security." All images and captions
inserted by Guyanaundersiege.com]