"Roger" Khan: the Guyanese citizen allegedly drugged
and kidnapped from a Surinamese prison by or in accordance with
the help of US agents on June 29-30, 2006, sometime between
10-11 pm. Around 1 am, he is hooded, placed in leg irons and handcuffed,
and led to a Surinamese civilian aircraft, escorted by at
least three Surinamese police. He would thereafter be taken to
Trinidad, without any Guyanese travel documents. Apparently, no
deportation papers were filed by the Surinamese in Trindad, which
is required.

Key Guyanese players that allowed for Roger Khan, a Guyanese citizen,
to be forced out of Guyana and thereafter, did not press a case
for Khan's return to Guyana. Left, PPP leader and head, Mrs. Janet
Jagan, who accused the US of using "rendition" to get
Khan into the US, but who sat quietly as the Joint Services (police
and army) executed a large manhunt for Khan based on false allegations.
Right, the trio of Police Commissioner Winston Felix, who issued
illegal "wanted" bulletin for Khan and 3 others for
"questioning" instead of a crime; President Jagdeo who,
as an incompetent president and Commander in Chief, is incapable
of getting Mr. Felix or the army's Chief of Staff on the right,
Brigadier General Edward Collins, to find the missing AK-47s stolen
from the army by the "masterminds" of the Buxton gang,
which includes members of a leading political party in Guyana.
Surinamese Connection

Surinamese Connection: left, President Ronald Venetiaan, the "worthless
president" and right, the Justice Minister, Chandrikapersad
Santokhi, a most accomplished of idiots who has become famous
for numerous outrageous statements including Khan being linked
to assassination plots of primary Surinamese state officials.
The Justice Minister continues to act on behalf of his President
who pretended to be in the background for reasons known only to
himself, while the Surinamese Government vied with Trinidad for
US favors.

OUT: Surinamese MP, Jiwan Sital, one of two MP
that lashed out rightfully at the Surinamese President and its
Justice Minister who allowed US agents to dicate the violation
of Surinamese legal statutes. He referred to the Surinamese President,
Ronald Venetiaan, as "a worthless president."
Trinidadian Link

Minister Patrick Manning, who allowed for Khan to be taken by
US DEA agents despite knowing that Khan was a Guyanese. The prime
minister never enquried with the Guyana authorities about Khan,
and did not demand from the Surinamese to present the necessary
deportation papers of this illegal person onto Trinidadian soil.
Prime Minister Manning violated not only Trinidadian and International
laws but allowed for the "rendition" case of a Caribbean
citizen to be nabbed by the US. Right, the Trinidadian Attorney
General who organized it all with the US agents, John Jeremie.
Surinamese have some explaining to do and so too do the Trinidadians.
The Guyana Government has not even had the decency to issue a
statement on this matter even though it involved one of its citizens.
At the minimum, they ought to have been informed about Khan's
expulsion and conveyance to America....
If Khan was expelled, then why
was he handcuffed and shackled? Why was he reportedly drugged
before being taken out of that country? And why was he not sent
back to Guyana instead of being forwarded to Trinidad where a
plane was waiting to take him to the United States of America."
Tom, Kaieteur News, July 2, 2006
little bird told me there was a lot of `Roger that’ flying
around here, in Suriname, and in Washington, and Trinidad last
week. According to the little bird, there was word in the air
from early last week that the eagle (you know whose eagle, right?)
was moving in for a strike in Suriname and the other little birds
there and nearby were warned to tuck their beaks under that dark
part by where their tail feathers begin and not give a chirp.
All the frightened, poor little birds could do was go `cheep,
cheep…Roger that’, that little bird told me.”
—Sharief Khan, from
Khan’s Chronicles: “Roger That,” Chronicle,
July 2 2006, satirizing
on TT, Surinam, and Guyana Governments working in unison to handover
Roger Khan to the US.
it needs to be explained why so many of our upstanding citizens
are silent when Mr. Khan's human rights were so blatantly violated
by the Surinamese officials. Why are we now silent when the Surinamese
did not pursue the so-called “charges” they brought
against Mr. Khan? On what basis did they “expel” him
into a plane that whisked him to the US ? How is this action by
the US authorities different from the “rendition”
that all the European nations have condemned when it was shown
to have occurred on their soil? Why are we silent on it?"
Dev (ROAR), "The Law and Roger," Kaieteur News,
July 2, 2006
The refusal of the PPP Government of Guyana under
President Bharrat Jagdeo (in tandem with the PPP under Mrs. Janet
Jagan), to accept Mr. Roger Khan, a Guyanese national back to
Guyanese soil, is a treasonable abdication of the Government’s
duty and a failure to recognize his human rights.
It was not a question of mere law, but a question
o the right to life. The Guyana Government had, at the least,
a moral and topical obligation because it knew that Khan was key
to the US (and others).
The right to live in one’s native country
is NOT a gift of any government, but a virtue of life achieved
by birth. In refusing to initiate a request for Khan’s extradition,
the Jagdeo Administration willfully executed Khan’s very
identity; for a man without citizenship is a human being without
a country.
The Government has failed to acknowledge the
very sovereignty of Guyana, best enshrined in the citizenship
endowed upon every Guyanese man, woman, and child. An objection
to the Guyanese citizenship is an objection to all things perceived
to be “Guyanese,” be it an idea, about soil, or people.
It is because of this right that the overseas
Guyanese from internationally famous figures such as Mr. Clive
Lloyd, to the ordinary housewife in Richmond Hill, Queens, refer
to him or herself as a “Guyanese.” The phrase “I
am proud to be a Guyanese” is, in essence, an eternal celebration
of this God-given right.
And President Jagdeo has demonstrated that under
his presidency, any child of Guyana may be denied his or her right
to be a Guyanese. One should refuse, first as a human being and
secondly as a Guyanese, to accept the stripping of Guyanese citizenship
from any Guyanese.
I wrote about this human-right issue last week
in the Guyanese press and wish to repeat it again, for it is most
serious. So far, none of our politicians except (Mr. Ravi Dev)
have addressed this issue, and I ask why? The PNC has has that
it has no problem with the Surinamese "extradition"
of Khan, despite knowing well that Khan's "extradition"
(PNC MP, James McAllister, June 30, to Guyana Media) never occurred.
The PNC which says it wants to raise the "due
process" rights of supposedly executed criminals, could not
bat an eyelid over the rights of a Guyanese being being violated
by the Surinamese, US, and the Trinidadian Governments.
Every government official attached to the Khan
case in Surinam compromised their role as a representative of
the people of Guyana, in favor of instructions from the PPP; they
have placed party before country, and this unfortunately included
the Hon. Minister Insanally, one of our sterling career diplomats.
It should be obvious to observers that PPP Ministers
are forced to work along the lines of a larger PPP 2006 elections
plan. But someone like Insanally should have resigned instead
of refusing to investigate claims by Khan's lawyers that Khan
was being tortured by Surinamese police, particularly one commander.
Instead, Minister made the rare but very visible blunder of treating
it as a "rumor." What has been a very good career has
now been dampered by this for Minister Insanally, just as the
enormously well-respected US statesman, Colin Powell, would always
be linked to the false claims of Iraq having "weapons of
mass destruction."
While one expects the legal representatives of
Mr. Khan to take up this issue immediately with CARICOM, the Organization
of American States, and the United Nations, they should also file
lawsuits against the Governments of Guyana, Surinam, the United
States, and the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago to court for the
gross human rights violation committed against Mr. Khan.
Finally, the supporters of the PPP Government
must know that no political party is worth supporting if that
party cannot provide security and most embarrassingly, refuses
to accept a Guyanese back on to Guyanese soil.
It is time to be reasonable; it is time to move
away from the PPP which is deeply corrupted and inept. It is time
for people to rise up and walk away from the PPP (and PNC) for
the smaller parties (GAP/ROAR) and AFC.
Otherwise, the US would have its strong presence
in Guyana to observe Venezuela (while giving us a few millions
in loans that never serve the country as much as it serves the
cause of the PPP Administration), and death and ruin would continue
to reign over the ordinary Guyanese. It is time to walk away people...