website anticipates an article on the late PNC minister, Mr. Vincent
Teekah, who was murdered under suspicious circumstances on October
24, 1979. If anyone would like to assist in any way possible,
please do so by contacting the editor via rrampert@yahoo.com]

PNC Minister of Education during the late seventies.
Questions to ask and Questions to answer:
What are considereed in the public domain as "facts":
One of partial
document re-staging the final day of Minister Teekah.
- Image
two (of same document)
- Teekah
at Guyfesta ceremony.
Did Burnham Kill Dr. Walker?
By Frederick Kissoon
Scholarship must never be put to serve the purpose of propaganda.
Recently, one learnt of the sudden death of Dr. Tyrone Ferguson
in Trinidad. Dr. Ferguson, as many readers would know, was the predecessor
of Dr. Roger Luncheon in the Presidential Secretariat under the
presidency of Desmond Hoyte. Ferguson's appointment showed the extent
to which Hoyte was prepared to go to diminish the influence of the
PNC in his new government.
One must erase the belief that the Hoyte period was an era of the
democratization of Guyana by the PNC. The PNC as a party was virtually
side-lined from 1988 up to when Hoyte lost power in 1992. It was
Ferguson himself, writing an eulogy on Hoyte in the Stabroek News
days after the death of Hoyte, who pointed to the fear among Hoyte
supporters that his life was in danger. Ferguson went on to add
that indeed there was a plot to harm Hoyte for his sustained manoeuvres
in the direction of both glasnost and perestroika after 1988.
Hoyte's appointment of Ferguson demonstrated some fine qualities
Hoyte had. Ferguson was given one of the most crucial roles in the
state without him having any meaningful party connection. It was
a master stroke by Hoyte even though some of us, including this
writer, believe that Hoyte was never good at practical politics
and strategic thinking in political policy-making. Since Ferguson
was raw, then his only loyalty would have been to Hoyte. A Burnhamite
in the position of Head of the Presidential Secretariat (HPS) could
have undermined Hoyte's power-base. Of course, there is a counter-argument
to this that says Hoyte was concerned with the professionalization
in the public service so he needed non-political personnel in the
essential services. So he elevated Goolsarran to Auditor-General,
Ragubeer to Police Commissioner, Singh to commander of the army,
and Ferguson to HPS. It was certainly a retrograde step when Cedi
Jagan appointed Roger Luncheon, a party leader to HPS.
Ferguson did not live long enough to face academic grilling from
Guyanese intellectuals on a piece of analysis of Forbes Burnham
in his book, “To Survive Sensibly or to Court Heroic Death,”
(Guyana National Printers, Georgetown, 1999). I did critique his
book for the Kaieteur News and the Chronicle. I was severe on him
for his interpretation of the murder of Walter Rodney. Here is a
typical advantage of scholarship serving the interest of propaganda.
On page 297, Ferguson pontificating on the character of Burnham
when looking at the possible motives for the assassination of Walter
Rodney, wrote, “Burnham would have been acting uncharacteristically
to have given the go-ahead for such a politically costly act.”
This is either propaganda posing as scholarship or it is poor intellectual
analysis. Without dwelling on the topic of who is to be blamed for
the riots and mayhem of the sixties, the X-13 plan puts Burnham
as one of the central plotters in the conspiratorial obsession to
use violence to burn and kill in the sixties as part of a Western
plot to destabilize the Jagan Government. Burnham's political direction
in the sixties was characterised by the massive use of violence
in which lots of people were killed. Who was Ferguson trying to
fool when he speaks of the uncharacteristic style of Burnham if
he had consented to kill Rodney? On the contrary, this would have
been very characteristic of Burnham.
Ferguson omits vital facts of the seventies and eighties when assessing
Burnham in his flawed book. For example, there is no attention paid
to the cause of Vincent Teekah's death. There are two explanations
for Teekah's death. I offered one of these theories in a Kaieteur
News article of August 6, 2001. One of Teekah's very close
relatives told me that it was in fact Burnham who ordered the liquidation
of Teekah because Teekah was a high-level agent of the Cuban Government.
The other story is that one of Burnham's deputies murdered Teekah
in the knowledge that Teekah was about to be elevated as second
to Burnham. The latter position is inflexibly adhered to by devout
Burnham fan, and former advisor to Desmond Hoyte, Halim Majeed.
(See Majeed's article on Teekah's death in Kaieteur News
of Feb 26 - March 4, 1999.)
Whichever of these competing formulations you accept, Burnham was
undoubtedly involved in Teekah's murder. Teekah was done away with
before Rodney was blown up. To secure Burnham's credibility, Ferguson
chose to ignore the death of Vincent Teekah in his book and speculate
widely on Rodney's death because he was a propagandist for the PNC.
I am absolutely sure that had he remained in Guyana, he would have
faced extensive questioning of his unashamed support for Burnham
in his book.
But leaving aside the academic failings of Burnham, what about Burnham's
role in other killings? According to Majeed, a person who wanted
to succeed Burnham organised the destruction of Teekah. The principal
plotter was Dr. Oswaldene Walker. She came to Guyana, became a confidante
of the government and befriended Teekah. The conspiracy was indeed
sophisticated. Dr. Walker would become the lover of Teekah, he would
be killed, then it would be fixed to look like a tragic triangular
love affair. Along the way, some changes were made. Dr. Walker ran
out of her car during the uncivilised hour of a morning in the Industrial
Site area of South Georgetown, crying to a security guard that her
lover (Teekah) was robbed and killed.
According to Majeed there was no blood in the car. Majeed who remains
an unapologetic supporter of Burnham to this day, believes Burnham's
closet trustee killed Vincent Teekah. Ferguson, Burnham's propagandist,
remained silent in his book on the fate of Dr. Walker. Vincent Teekah's
brother told me that Dr. Walker was smashed to pieces in a strange
car accident in the US shortly after she left Guyana. The long arm
of Burnham could not have reached anyone he wanted to kill. Time
for an inquest into Rodney's and Teekah's tragic murders. Time to
unmask Forbes Burnham as a deadly killer. (See Kaieteur News,
May 27th, 2005)
Frederick Kisson Responds
to former PNC minister Rashleigh Jackson on the Teekah Case
"Fearing not only the loss of power, but perhaps
imprisonment, if he was toppled, Burnham ordered the assassination
of Rodney. Where was Ferguson when all this was happening? He was
out of Guyana. I was part of that great event. I know how close
Burnham was to falling. Before Rodney's death, Burnham had ordered
the killing of Teekah. He then ordered the murder of Dr. Walker,
whom Burnham felt may have been the weakest link in the murder conspiracy.
I am certain if Burnham did not kill Dr. Walker and Rodney, then
one day, Rodney or one of his charismatic WPA colleagues may have
got Dr. Walker to talk about her role in the gruesome killing of
Vincent Teekah.
Up comes Ferguson in 2000 in his book and tell
us that it was not in Burnham's character to have ordered the killing
of Rodney. Ferguson sadly allowed his scholarship to become a servant
in the service of propaganda. Maybe, race or party loyalty can best
explain this. But when it came to party loyalty, Burnham cultivated
a true crop of sycophants. Burnham wanted Teekah out of the way
because he felt Teekah was working with the Cubans to oust him.
After he killed Teekah, he set up an elaborate diversion. One of
his top party loyalist (we all know who he is) allowed the rumour
to spread that Teekah was killed in a power struggle by this loyalist."
—See letter ("When do I make sense,
Mr. Jackson?") by Frederick Kissoon in Kaieteur News,
dated June 17th, 2005, in response to another letter by former PNC
minister, Rashleigh Jackson, who objected to the article, "Did
Burnham Kill Dr. Walker?"
Who Killed Forbes
(The Cuban-Teekah Connection)
By Frederick Kissoon
Today marks sixteen years since Forbes Burnham
died mysteriously at the Georgetown Hospital. Burnham lived a
controversial life, died in controversial circumstances and even
before he made his last breath, said something controversial.
On his hospital bed, he asked for a taste of condensed milk; an
item he had banned in Guyana.
There is no biography of this powerful, erudite and politically
astute Third World leader. The PNC, the party he founded, should
ask their scholarly friends abroad to do a computer search to
find out if a doctoral dissertation has been completed on him
at any university in North America. In Ohio, there is a data base
for such a search. One of Burnham's proteges, Festus Brotherson,
lives in Ohio. He once expressed a desire to do a definitive study
of the Kabaka. Brotherson is an admirer of Burnham but is caught
in a really weird circumstance. He does a weekly column for the
Sunday Chronicle made possible by Mrs. Janet Jajan so it may not
be a wise venture to go on a eulogy of Burnham in the state media
at this time.
It is not possible to treat such a complex subject in a newspaper
column; lack of space would not permit it. I have decided therefore
to look at the mystery of Burnham's death rather than an analysis
of his long rule over Guyana. But one opinion of mine that is
irremovable and must be said when one is writing about Burnham
was that he was obsessed with power and had total contempt for
fair play, democratic procedures and accountability of power.
The fact that he was intellectually brilliant and he built roads
and bridges is completely irrelevant in any analysis of his use
of power.
I was on the ferry returning home from Berbice from teaching duties
at the Tain campus of the University of Guyana when my contemplation
of the river was interrupted by this gentleman who introduced
himself. After the conversation, I told him I would print what
he described to me. He agreed but instructed me not to reveal
his exact blood relation with Vincent Teekah -- the resemblance
is unbelievable. All I can say here then, is that this man is
related to Teekah and in a very, very close way. You, the reader
can figure out the nature of the connection. He told me how Teekah
met his death. Teekah called his friend, a visiting female American
doctor, Oswaldene Walker to fix a bleeding tooth. They met at
the headquarters of the Guyana Defence Force where a senior police
officer whose name he gave me and who now lives in New York was
instructed by Burnham to kill Teekah. The relative stated that
contrary to what most Guyanese believed at that time, and perhaps
still do, it wasn't a certain strong man in the PNC leadership
who killed Teekah.
After he died, the dentist was conspiratorially involved in covering
up the crime. After she drove the body to St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital,
she gave the police a statement of being attacked by bandits while
she and Teekah were in a deserted lover's lane. The next morning,
Shirley Field-Ridley arranged for her return to the US. The man
on the ferry told me that Burnham subsequently arranged for the
dentist to be killed because she saw the assassination and could
implicate him, and was beginning to crack unlike the senior police
offficer who did the hit. Like Vincent Teekah, Oswaldene Walker
died in a strange context. While she was emerging from her car,
a fast moving vehicle smashed her into pieces.
Why did Burnham kill Teekah? There is one explanation the relative
gave me. I believe there is another. The relative's thesis was
that the Cubans admired and loved Teekah and saw him as the best
hope for Cuban-style socialism in Guyana. The communist islanders
felt Teekah was more committed to them than Burnham. The relative
was keen to point out to me that Burnham killed Teekah soon after
he returned from a trip to Cuba. The story I heard on the ferry
was indeed fascinating. Burnham was mad at Teekah because he believed
that Teekah was conspiring with the Cubans to undermine his hold
on Guyana. In others words, there were two sources of Burnham's
wrath. One was that Teekah was ungrateful because he was made
into a powerful figure over and above other founder-members of
the PNC. The other was that he used that position to subvert the
power of his benefactor.
I was silent, and just kept listening. I was further told that
the Cubans were mad, really mad that Burnham had wasted Teekah
so senselessly. And planned to get their revenge. He opined that
the Cubans were now eager to win Burnham's confidence so he wouldn't
suspect that they wanted to kill him. They got closer and closer
to him until August 6, 1985 came. The doctor was instructed to
kill Burnham, he killed him and then the next day went back to
Cuba. The other explanation is that maybe indeed Teekah was plotting
against Burnham but the relative didn't want to blemish Teekah's
character by telling me this. We will never know if the Cubans
killed Burnham but you have to be stupid to think that Burnham
had nothing to do with the deaths of Vincent Teekah, Walter Rodney
and Oswaldene Walker. And that is three we know of. (Written in
August 2001; subtitle inserted by GUS.)
"Incidentally, my old comrade informant,
on the other hand, despised the other high-profile defector to
the PNC, from those dogs, the younger Vincent Teekah who collided
with his demise under still-mysterious circumstances. The old
stalwart’s opinion was that Teekah was merely an opportunist
who probably claimed to know more about the ideology than many
of Burnham’s own young Turks of the time. He claimed that
many PNC insiders were not sorry to see Teekah go." —Alan
Fenty (See Frankly Speaking column titled "Old Politics,
New Politics," by Alan Fenty in Stabroek News, October
10, 2003.)